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Conveying Credibility: the Case Study

The afternoon session ‘Conveying Credibility: the Case Study’, will be presented by Mark Langweiler, and take us further along a path I have long been wanting us to tread… He will cover the method of presenting evidence about what we do via the Case Study. This is an accepted method of building an evidence base and he will explain why, and then delve in to how exactly to do a good one.

Prior to turning to education full time, Mark was  the medical director at Atlantic Haematology Oncology Group in the USA and spent time in the Pain and Palliative Care Division at the National Institutes of Health. He did CST1 & 2 in the early 90s in the US. As Clinic Director for the Student Chiropractic Clinic at London Southbank University, and previously course director for the chiropractic programme, Mark is superbly placed to elucidate on not only the benefit of producing case studies to educate on our kind of therapies, but how to do it and do it well.

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4 March

What Drugs Do Part 2

27 January

(Postponed) Finding the Right Words: Powerful Ways to Explain CranioSacral Therapy