
Upcoming Events

We warmly invite Cranio Sacral Society Members to attend our upcoming events.

Social Media & the CSS

Social Media & the CSS

Find out how to support the CSS on social media. How to put the film on your website, and then promote it. Focusing on Facebook and Instagram, looking at areas such as sharing posts, reposting, hashtags, business page set ups etc.

There will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions.

This session will be hosted by our Digital Media Officer - Mark Parfitt-Jones

Click on the image to take you to the sign up page for the event.

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(Postponed) Finding the Right Words: Powerful Ways to Explain CranioSacral Therapy

(Postponed) Finding the Right Words: Powerful Ways to Explain CranioSacral Therapy

Sorry, this event has had to be postponed. We will be arranging a new date soon.

How do you convey the huge potential of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy? When someone asks you: “What do you do?” do you respond?

For many people, understanding the true benefits of CST comes after they’ve experienced it. But what about before? What about those all-important everyday conversations with people who may never have heard of CST before, or who don’t fully get what it’s all about?

Join us for this session about finding the right words - language that feels natural, accessible and inspiring - to talk about Upledger CranioSacral Therapy! Whether you’re introducing yourself at an event, trying to build awareness about your work, or talking with a potential client, what you say has the power to inspire curiosity and create a memorable impression.

To book, click on the circle image above to be taken to the next page, where you can rsvp to receive the link.

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Conveying Credibility: the Case Study

Conveying Credibility: the Case Study

The afternoon session at 2pm on 13th May via Zoom - ‘Conveying Credibility: the Case Study’, will be presented by Mark Langweiler, and take us further along a path I have long been wanting us to tread… He will cover the method of presenting evidence about what we do via the Case Study. This is an accepted method of building an evidence base and he will explain why, and then delve in to how exactly to do a good one.

Prior to turning to education full time, Mark was the medical director at Atlantic Haematology Oncology Group in the USA and spent time in the Pain and Palliative Care Division at the National Institutes of Health. He did CST1 & 2 in the early 90s in the US. As Clinic Director for the Student Chiropractic Clinic at London Southbank University, and previously course director for the chiropractic programme, Mark is superbly placed to elucidate on not only the benefit of producing case studies to educate on our kind of therapies, but how to do it and do it well.

We look forward to seeing you there. Click on the circle image to book a space. if you are not able to join us on the day, the talk will be recorded, so you can watch it another time.

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What Drugs Do Part 2

What Drugs Do Part 2

Join us for the second part of this What Drugs Do presentation with pharmacist and CST student Clare Jones.

Continuing on our exploration of common pharmaceuticals we will consider a few more general drug classifications, how different drugs may be affecting the symptoms people are presenting with, what effect they may have on the CSF, and what effect CST may have on them.

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What Drugs Do      Part 1

What Drugs Do Part 1

What sort of drugs do you find your clients are taking? Do you wonder how they work and what their effects and side effects might be?

Join Clare Jones, pharmacist and CST trainee who will explore these questions with us. She will be giving us a general overview of how different classes of drugs work in the body, including those for pain relief, blood pressure, fluid retention, insomnia and more.

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CSS AGM 2022

CSS AGM 2022

Our AGM will be held at 11am on Saturday 7th May via Zoom.

We look forward to seeing you there. Please register below to receive a link to the event.

The official part of the meeting will start at 11am sharp, so please arrive 5 minutes ahead of time. The meeting will be followed by an open forum.

In the afternoon at 2pm, Joe Gore will be giving a presentation. This is set up as a separate event in your members area, which you can also register for.

We look forward to seeing you on the 7th.

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CranioSacral Therapy & The Immune System

CranioSacral Therapy & The Immune System

Your immune system is critical to maintaining good health and longevity. Proper functioning of the immune system is influenced by many factors, including environmental, genetic, dietary, and lifestyle. A faulty immune system can lead to chronic inflammation, which is an underlying factor for many common illnesses and diseases.

Come join Upledger Institute International instructor Karen Axelrod, MA, CST-D, as she shares an overview of the immune system, how it works, and how to maintain a healthy immune system during challenging or stressful times. Karen is noted for being able to take complex anatomical material and break it down into easily understandable, digestible pieces. In the first half of this two-hour presentation, Karen will overview the difference between the innate and adaptive immune systems and introduce you to important organs that are part of this complex system. We will explore the difference between chronic versus acute inflammation and also look at common illnesses related to immune system deficiencies. In the second half, Karen will introduce you to hands-on techniques for palpating and influencing immune system function from a craniosacral perspective. She will also provide self-help tips on how to keep your immune system strong and healthy.

Presented by Karen Axelrod.

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A Guide to Marketing for Therapists: How to Make a Connection

A Guide to Marketing for Therapists: How to Make a Connection

How do you grow your Craniosacral Therapy practice, if you don’t like the idea of ‘selling yourself’? How do you get the word out about CST, if you’re not sure exactly how to talk about what you do? And do you really need a website or social media, in order to succeed?

Moving past the usual mainstream marketing tactics, this presentation will look at examples of the most ethical and empowering approaches to sharing your work. We will explore a different way to think about building your Upledger CST practice, while staying true to your values, as well as how to find intuitive and effective ways to reach the people you hope to help.

Presented by Sara Hammond.

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Exploring the Cranial Nerves

Exploring the Cranial Nerves

How do you know when you are called to work with a particular cranial nerve? We will be exploring the location and function of some of the key cranial nerves, blending this with how our hands perceive the way CST can help. There will be time for questions and comments after the presentation.

Presented by Caroline Barrow.

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Unwrapping Polyvagal Theory

Unwrapping Polyvagal Theory

The CSS is delighted to welcome Mariann Sisco, PT, CST-D to our Developing Confidence Series of presentations. Mariann is a physical therapist and Diplomat Certified in CranioSacral Therapy. She teaches internationally for the Upledger Institute International, and is a popular speaker at conferences such as UI's Beyond the Dura, as well as for other organisations.

Mariann's engaging style and humour will easily clarify Polyvagal Theory, and how it interacts with the collective trauma of the pandemic through the social engagement system. Holding space for this system helps prepare us to meet our clients where they are in new ways, through blending and melding.

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A CranioSacral Conversation With Yourself

A CranioSacral Conversation With Yourself

Presented by Maggie Gill, CST-D. The aim for you through this conversation is that you will enjoy creative and effective ways to use your skills in Upledger CST to enhance your own health. This is a great opportunity to review the core intent of our foundational techniques. By noticing our response to our gentle touch, we will all deepen our understanding and embodiment of the work. There will be time for questions and comments after the presentation.

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Growing & Sustaining Your CranioSacral Therapy Practice

Growing & Sustaining Your CranioSacral Therapy Practice

Many of us are reopening our practice doors this Spring after an incredibly tough year. Despite our joy and relief to be back at work, some of us struggle with marketing, advertising and getting the word out about what we do. Sara Hammond will be introducing a very different model for marketing and practice-building; one that is ethical, empowering and in line with our Upledger values and ethos. Sara will also take us through a 10 Step Protocol for sharing our work with clients and the wider community, including: finding the right words to share the benefits of Upledger CST; speaking or writing clearly and confidently about what you do, in a way that builds trust and connection; and specific ways to optimise your website or social media without having to 'sell' what you do.

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Red Flags and How They Can Present in Practice

Red Flags and How They Can Present in Practice

We will be taking a look at 'Red Flags' and how they can present in practice (also known as 'dodgy pathology' and how to recognise it!) Joe Gore and Mary-Clare Scragg will run through possible presentations where the symptoms picture or clinical history of the client would make it wise to consider referring on for further tests or help.

The talk will embrace contraindications to CST and will cover those situations that we feel with our hands, and that make our hearts sink. There will be time for questions and comments after the presentation.

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CST & Long Covid: Observations from Practice

CST & Long Covid: Observations from Practice

We will be taking a look at the current picture of 'Long Covid, including what we do and don't know about it so far, and what we have observed in our practices after treating multiple clients with Long Covid over the 8 months. We will discuss what we might expect to see more of as CranioSacral Therapists going forward, as well as taking a look at particular techniques, possible contraindications, and as ever the importance of whole body evaluation and treating what we find.

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